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We Believe In...


God is first and foremost our Heavenly Parent, encompassing both male and female, father and mother. As it says in Genesis 1:27, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Humanity was created as God’s family and is meant to live as One Family Under God. We believe the motivation behind creation is love and joy and this remains the highest desire for all humankind because it comes from God, our Creator, Our Heavenly Parent.

Kids in Church

The Marriage Blessing

The family is the cornerstone of peace, love, and happiness. When the family breaks down, the society, nation, and world break down. When families realize they have a higher purpose than just their own family, they connect with God’s innermost purpose for creation. The Marriage Blessing is a worldwide tradition where couples dedicate or rededicate their marriage to a greater purpose centered God and live for the sake of others. Through a new revelation about God’s relationship with humankind from Creation to Today, the Marriage Blessing offers a path to build a world of stronger marriages and healthier families.

Culture of Heart

Based on the teachings of Father and Mother Moon, a culture of heart refers to the creation of a family culture centered on Heavenly Parent. A culture of heart emphasizes the qualities of attendance and gratitude toward Heavenly Parent, and selfless true love in family relationships (parent-child, husband-wife, brother-sister). These characteristics are then extended to our communities, society, nation, and world, ultimately achieving One Family Under God as originally intended at the time of Creation. 


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